WY4EMA Multi-Mode Repeater - 440.575 MHz - Kathleen, GA

The WY4EMA repeater is sponsored by Houston County ARES and is located on the East side of Warner Robins, GA. The repeater was designed, built, and is owned by WM4B. Please provide performance and bug reports using the link below.


The repeater went operational on 19 May 2022. It consists of a highly modified Motorola UHF MICOR Mobile radio interfaced with a Repeater-Builder RB_STM32_DVM Multi-Mode Digital Voice Modem. Processing power is provided by a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B running Pi-Star Digital Voice Software. The transmitter produces 50 watts to the antenna through a Celwave 526-4-2 duplexer.

General Repeater Info:

Callsign WY4EMA
Frequency 440.575 + 5 MHz
Power 250 Watts ERP
Gridsquare EM82
County Houston
Coordination SERA

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a multimode DSTAR/DMR repeater. Users must pay attention to the current repeater status. Prior to operating, please observe your RX Activity Indicator and/or your S-Meter. If you see activity but do not hear anything, the repeater is active on a mode other than the one you are monitoring. Please wait for the other users to finish, or switch modes and join their conversation.


Because Georgia ARES utilizes DSTAR for emergency operations, the primary operating mode of this repeater is DSTAR.
Repeater users should feel free to link to the DSTAR Reflector system, but please unlink the reflector when you are finished. This is especially important when linking to busy reflectors such as REF001 and REF030. Please be mindful of any ARES operations that may be utilizing the system.

PLEASE NOTE: If you attempt to connect to a very busy reflector, you may hear the message 'Linking to REFXXX' instead of 'Linked to REFXXX'. Most times, this indicates that the link did not complete. This usually occurs when the requested reflector has reached its maximum user capacity. This is most common on REF030 and REF001.

DMR Info:

Color Code 1
DMR ID 312333
Gridsquare EM82em76
Timeslot 1 Local 9 Only or 31135
Timeslot 2 Dynamic TGs or 3113
Coordination SERA

The repeater has TG 31135 (Central GA) static on TS1 and TG 3113 (GA Statewide) on TS2. Users may activate any Talkgroup of their choosing, however we ask that this only occur on TS2. Users who activate Talkgroups are asked to send a Disconnect Command by making a Group Call to TG4000 when they are finished.

Local-Only chat should occur on TS1 using TG9.

If you wish to use the repeater for a special event, please email the Repeater Manager in advance. This will help prevent conflicts between events or with scheduled maintenance outages.

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